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- ; Matrox Electronic Systems Ltd., 1993
- ;************************************************************************
- ;* MGA ULTIMA/1/A Monitor File *
- ;************************************************************************
- ;
- ; This Monitor file should only be used with the MGA-ULT/1/A board.
- ; To use this file simply rename the ULTIMA1A.MON file to MGA.MON.
- ; To save the original MGA.MON (in case you ever need to restore it),
- ; rename the original MGA.MON to MGA_OLD.MON before renaming ULTIMA1A.MON.
- ;
- ;************************************************************************
- ;* File Revision History *
- ;************************************************************************
- ;
- ; MGA ULTIMA 1/A Monitor File, Version 0.1, September 22, 1993
- ;
- ;************************************************************************
- ;* Description of MGA.MON *
- ;************************************************************************
- ;
- ; MGA.MON is a text file containg all video parameters used by the MGA
- ; SETUP.EXE program. The SETUP.EXE reads the appropriate information
- ; from this file based on the monitor selection and generates the
- ; MGA.INF file which is used by MGA Power Drivers program the boards
- ; video registers for any given resolution. The MGA.MON file is divided
- ; in two sections: Monitor Definitions and Video Parameters. The
- ; Monitor Definitions section contains settings for resolutions and
- ; video parameters for different types of monitors. The Video Parameter
- ; section contains the actual video parameters for each resolution
- ; supported by MGA with different combinations of vertical and horizontal
- ; frequencies
- ;
- ;************************************************************************
- ;* Syntax for MGA.MON *
- ;************************************************************************
- ;
- ; To edit the MGA.MON file for additonal monitors or video parameters,
- ; follow these rules of syntax
- ;
- ; 1) Blank lines are allowed.
- ;
- ; 2) Comments must be preceeded by the ";" character.
- ;
- ; 3) There is no maximum number of monitors that can be added to MGA.MON.
- ;
- ; 4) The monitor id string must be in brackets with a maximum 52 characters.
- ; Spaces and non-alphanumeric characters are allowed.
- ; Example: [Multi-frequency Monitor up to 1280X1024 @90Hz]
- ;
- ; 5) For each monitor, each of the 8 possible resolutions must be defined.
- ;
- ; 6) For each resolution, the first parameter indicates whether that
- ; resolution is non-interlaced (NI), interlaced (I) or not available (NA).
- ; Examples:
- ; --
- ; 640X480 = NI, *640X480X60Hz ;non-interlaced
- ; --
- ; -
- ; 640X480 = I, *640X480X60Hz ;interlaced
- ; -
- ; --
- ; 640X480 = NA ;not available
- ; --
- ; 7) If available, a second parameter indicates the video parameter set to use.
- ; --------------
- ; Example: 1024X768 = NI, *1024X768X60Hz
- ; --------------
- ; 8) Video parameter sets are contained in the Video Parameters section.
- ; The name of the set must be in brackets, and must start with a "*" and
- ; contain a maximum of 64 char. Spaces and non-alphanumeric characters
- ; are allowed.
- ;
- ; Example: [*640X480X72Hz]
- ;
- ; 9) For each resolution, it is possible to specify different video
- ; parameter set for different pixel depths, by using the X8, X16 or X24
- ; suffix. Example:
- ;
- ; 1024X768.X8 = NI, *1024X768X76Hz ; will be used for 8 bpp
- ; 1024X768.X16 = NI, *1024X768X60Hz ; will be used for 16 bpp
- ;
- ; 10) For each resolution, PixelTouch zoom factors of 2 and 4 will be
- ; calculated automatically by the SETUP program using the base video
- ; parameters. Specific Z2 and Z4 parameters can however be specified.
- ; if necessary. Only horizontal parameters are affected by specific zoom
- ; parameters, and should be multiples of 32.
- ;
- ; Examples: 1024X768.Z2 = NI, *1024X768X76HzZ2
- ; 1024X768.X16.Z4 = NI, *1024X768X60HzZ4
- ;
- ;
- ;************************************************************************
- ;* Monitor Definitions *
- ;************************************************************************
- ;
- ; This section contains monitor definitions used by the MGA setup program.
- ; Each monitor definition has a maximum resolution and vertical frequency
- ; indicated in its title. The maximum resolution is required for use with
- ; MGA's Modeswitch driver. The Modeswitch driver automatically starts
- ; Windows 3.1 in the highest resolution supported by the selected monitor
- ; definition. By limiting the resolution in the monitor definition, users
- ; can avoid running Modeswitch at resolutions that their monitors may not
- ; support. Other MGA Windows drivers (8,16,24 and QCDP) start Windows at
- ; 640 x 480 initially.
- ;
- ;
- [Multi-frequency up to 1024 X 768 @60Hz]
- 640X480 = NI, *640X480X60Hz
- 800X600 = NI, *800X600X60Hz
- 800X600.X16 = NI, *800X600X52Hz
- 1024X768 = NI, *1024X768X60Hz
- 1152X882 = NA
- 1280X1024 = NA
- 1600X1200 = NA
- PAL = NA
- [Multi-frequency up to 1024 X 768 @72Hz]
- 640X480 = NI, *640X480X72Hz
- 800X600 = NI, *800X600X72Hz
- 800X600.X16 = NI, *800X600X52Hz
- 1024X768 = NI, *1024X768X72Hz
- 1152X882 = NA
- 1280X1024 = NA
- 1600X1200 = NA
- PAL = NA
- [Multi-frequency up to 1152 X 882 @60Hz]
- 640X480 = NI, *640X480X60Hz
- 800X600 = NI, *800X600X60Hz
- 800X600.X16 = NI, *800X600X52Hz
- 1024X768 = NI, *1024X768X60Hz
- 1024X768.X24 = NI, *1024X768X60Hz
- 1152X882 = NI, *1152X882X60Hz
- 1280X1024 = NA
- 1600X1200 = NA
- PAL = NA
- [Multi-frequency up to 1152 X 882 @60-72Hz]
- 640X480 = NI, *640X480X72Hz
- 800X600 = NI, *800X600X72Hz
- 800X600.X16 = NI, *800X600X52Hz
- 1024X768 = NI, *1024X768X72Hz
- 1152X882 = NI, *1152X882X60Hz
- 1280X1024 = NA
- 1600X1200 = NA
- PAL = NA
- [NEC/Multisync 3D]
- 640X480 = NI, *640X480X60Hz
- 800X600 = NI, *800X600X60HzNEC
- 1024X768 = I, *1024X768X43HzI
- 1152X882 = NA
- 1280X1024 = NA
- 1600X1200 = NA
- PAL = NA
- [NEC/Multisync 3FG]
- 640X480 = NI, *640X480X74Hz(3FG)
- 800X600 = NI, *800X600X74Hz(3FG)
- 1024X768 = NI, *1024X768X60Hz
- 1152X882 = NA
- 1280X1024 = NA
- 1600X1200 = NA
- PAL = NA
- [Super VGA Monitor]
- 640X480 = NI, *640X480X60HzNI
- 800X600 = NI, *800X600X56HzNI
- 1024X768 = I, *1024X768X43HzI
- 1152X882 = NA
- 1280X1024 = NA
- 1600X1200 = NA
- PAL = NA
- [8514 monitor]
- 640X480 = NI, *640X480X60Hz
- 800X600 = NA
- 1024X768 = I, *1024X768_8514X43Hz
- 1152X882 = NA
- 1280X1024 = NA
- 1600X1200 = NA
- PAL = NA
- ;[NTSC monitor]
- ;640X480 = NA
- ;800X600 = NA
- ;1024X768 = NA
- ;1024X768.X24 = NA
- ;1152X882 = NA
- ;1152X882.X16 = NA
- ;1280X1024 = NA
- ;1600X1200 = NA
- ;NTSC = I, *640X480XNTSC
- ;PAL = NA
- ;[PAL monitor]
- ;640X480 = NA
- ;800X600 = NA
- ;1024X768 = NA
- ;1024X768.X24 = NA
- ;1152X882 = NA
- ;1152X882.X16 = NA
- ;1280X1024 = NA
- ;1600X1200 = NA
- ;NTSC = NA
- ;PAL = I, *768X576XPAL
- ;PAL = NI, *768X576XPALNI ; enable to run PAL resolution in NI
- ;
- ;************************************************************************
- ;* Video Parameters *
- ;************************************************************************
- ;
- ; The Video Parameters section contains video parameters for each resolution
- ; found in the monitor descriptions section. Each set of parameters contains
- ; 12 values and is preceded by the name of the parameter set in square
- ; brackets. The video parameter sets are listed in ascending order of
- ; resolution. The name of each set indicates the vertical refresh rate, and
- ; the corresponding horizontal refresh rate is indicated in a comment next to
- ; the name. The following is a description of each value:
- ;
- ; PIXEL_CLK = ; Pixel clock rate in kilo pixels/second.
- ; ; This is equivalent to the video bandwidth.
- ; H_DISP = ; Number of pixels/horizontal line.
- ; H_FPORCH = ; Number of pixels in horizontal front porch.
- ; H_SYNC = ; Number of pixels in horizontal sync.
- ; H_BPORCH = ; Number of pixels in horizontal back porch.
- ; H_SYNC_POL = ; Horizontal sync polarity (0 = negative,
- ; ; 1 = positive).
- ; V_DISP = ; Number of lines/frame.
- ; V_FPORCH = ; Number of lines in vertical front porch.
- ; V_SYNC = ; Number of lines in vertical sync.
- ; V_BPORCH = ; Number of lines in vertical back porch.
- ; V_SYNC_POL = ; Vertical sync polarity (0 = negative,
- ; ; 1 = positive).
- ; INTERLACE_ENABLE = 1 ; Interlace enable (0 = disabled, 1 = enabled).
- ;
- ; When creating custom video parameters, the values of H_FPORCH, H_SYNC, and
- ; H_BPORCH should be multiples of 32 to prevent the horizontal position of the
- ; video from moving when using the PixelTouch Zoom feature of our Windows 3.1
- ; driver. If this is not a concern, then using multiples of 8 is sufficient.
- ; The following limits should also be kept in mind for PIXEL_CLK:
- ;
- ; for 8 bpp PIXEL_CLK < 160,000 (160 MHz)
- ; for 16,24 bpp PIXEL_CLK < 80,000 (80 MHz)
- ; A program called MGAVID.EXE may be downloaded from our BBS that helps
- ; automate the calculation of video parameters for MGA.
- ;
- ; Start of Video Parameters
- ;
- [*640X480XNTSC]
- PIXEL_CLK = 12336 ; kilo pixels/sec
- H_DISP = 640 ; pixels
- H_FPORCH = 24 ; pixels
- H_SYNC = 64 ; pixels
- H_BPORCH = 56 ; pixels
- H_SYNC_POL = 0 ; negative
- V_DISP = 240 ; lines
- V_FPORCH = 3 ; lines
- V_SYNC = 3 ; lines
- V_BPORCH = 16 ; lines
- V_SYNC_POL = 0 ; negative
- INTERLACE_ENABLE = 1 ; interlaced
- [*768X576XPAL]
- PIXEL_CLK = 14750 ; kilo pixels/sec
- H_DISP = 768 ; pixels
- H_FPORCH = 24 ; pixels
- H_SYNC = 72 ; pixels
- H_BPORCH = 80 ; pixels
- H_SYNC_POL = 0 ; negative
- V_DISP = 288 ; lines
- V_FPORCH = 3 ; lines
- V_SYNC = 3 ; lines
- V_BPORCH = 16 ; lines
- V_SYNC_POL = 0 ; negative
- INTERLACE_ENABLE = 1 ; interlaced
- [*768X576XPALNI]
- PIXEL_CLK = 29500 ; kilo pixels/sec
- H_DISP = 768 ; pixels
- H_FPORCH = 24 ; pixels
- H_SYNC = 72 ; pixels
- H_BPORCH = 80 ; pixels
- H_SYNC_POL = 0 ; negative
- V_DISP = 576 ; lines
- V_FPORCH = 6 ; lines
- V_SYNC = 6 ; lines
- V_BPORCH = 32 ; lines
- V_SYNC_POL = 0 ; negative
- INTERLACE_ENABLE = 0 ; non interlaced
- [*640X480X60Hz] ; Hf=31.8kHz
- PIXEL_CLK = 27500 ; kilo pixels/sec
- H_DISP = 640 ; pixels
- H_FPORCH = 32 ; pixels
- H_SYNC = 96 ; pixels
- H_BPORCH = 96 ; pixels
- H_SYNC_POL = 0 ; negative
- V_DISP = 480 ; lines
- V_FPORCH = 8 ; lines
- V_SYNC = 6 ; lines
- V_BPORCH = 36 ; lines
- V_SYNC_POL = 0 ; negative
- INTERLACE_ENABLE = 0 ; non-interlaced
- [*640X480X72Hz] ; Hf=38kHz
- PIXEL_CLK = 31500 ; kilo pixels/sec
- H_DISP = 640 ; pixels
- H_FPORCH = 32 ; pixels
- H_SYNC = 32 ; pixels
- H_BPORCH = 128 ; pixels
- H_SYNC_POL = 0 ; negative
- V_DISP = 480 ; lines
- V_FPORCH = 9 ; lines
- V_SYNC = 3 ; lines
- V_BPORCH = 28 ; lines
- V_SYNC_POL = 0 ; negative
- INTERLACE_ENABLE = 0 ; non-interlaced
- [*640X480X60HzNI] ; Hf=35kHz
- PIXEL_CLK = 30500 ; kilo pixels/sec
- H_DISP = 640 ; pixels
- H_FPORCH = 32 ; pixels
- H_SYNC = 96 ; pixels
- H_BPORCH = 96 ; pixels
- H_SYNC_POL = 0 ; negative
- V_DISP = 480 ; lines
- V_FPORCH = 37 ; lines
- V_SYNC = 6 ; lines
- V_BPORCH = 65 ; lines
- V_SYNC_POL = 0 ; negative
- INTERLACE_ENABLE = 0 ; non-interlaced
- [*640X480X74Hz(3FG)] ; Hf=39.4kHz
- PIXEL_CLK = 34000 ; kilo pixels/sec
- H_DISP = 640 ; pixels
- H_FPORCH = 32 ; pixels
- H_SYNC = 96 ; pixels
- H_BPORCH = 96 ; pixels
- H_SYNC_POL = 0 ; negative
- V_DISP = 480 ; lines
- V_FPORCH = 8 ; lines
- V_SYNC = 6 ; lines
- V_BPORCH = 36 ; lines
- V_SYNC_POL = 0 ; negative
- INTERLACE_ENABLE = 0 ; non-interlaced
- [*800X600X60Hz] ; Hf=37.2kHz
- PIXEL_CLK = 40500 ; kilo pixels/sec
- H_DISP = 800 ; pixels
- H_FPORCH = 32 ; pixels
- H_SYNC = 128 ; pixels
- H_BPORCH = 128 ; pixels
- H_SYNC_POL = 0 ; negative
- V_DISP = 600 ; lines
- V_FPORCH = 2 ; lines
- V_SYNC = 4 ; lines
- V_BPORCH = 14 ; lines
- V_SYNC_POL = 0 ; negative
- INTERLACE_ENABLE = 0 ; non-interlaced
- [*800X600X72Hz] ; Hf=45kHz
- PIXEL_CLK = 51500 ; kilo pixels/sec
- H_DISP = 800 ; pixels
- H_FPORCH = 64 ; pixels
- H_SYNC = 128 ; pixels
- H_BPORCH = 96 ; pixels
- H_SYNC_POL = 0 ; negative
- V_DISP = 600 ; lines
- V_FPORCH = 33 ; lines
- V_SYNC = 6 ; lines
- V_BPORCH = 19 ; lines
- V_SYNC_POL = 0 ; negative
- INTERLACE_ENABLE = 0 ; non-interlaced
- [*800X600X60HzNEC] ; Hf=37.2kHz
- PIXEL_CLK = 40500 ; kilo pixels/sec
- H_DISP = 800 ; pixels
- H_FPORCH = 96 ; pixels
- H_SYNC = 128 ; pixels
- H_BPORCH = 64 ; pixels
- H_SYNC_POL = 0 ; negative
- V_DISP = 600 ; lines
- V_FPORCH = 2 ; lines
- V_SYNC = 4 ; lines
- V_BPORCH = 14 ; lines
- V_SYNC_POL = 0 ; negative
- INTERLACE_ENABLE = 0 ; non-interlaced
- [*800X600X52Hz] ; Hf=32.2kHz
- PIXEL_CLK = 35000 ; kilo pixels/sec
- H_DISP = 800 ; pixels
- H_FPORCH = 96 ; pixels
- H_SYNC = 128 ; pixels
- H_BPORCH = 64 ; pixels
- H_SYNC_POL = 0 ; negative
- V_DISP = 600 ; lines
- V_FPORCH = 2 ; lines
- V_SYNC = 4 ; lines
- V_BPORCH = 14 ; lines
- V_SYNC_POL = 0 ; negative
- INTERLACE_ENABLE = 0 ; non-interlaced
- [*800X600X56HzNI] ; Hf=35kHz
- PIXEL_CLK = 38100 ; kilo pixels/sec
- H_DISP = 800 ; pixels
- H_FPORCH = 32 ; pixels
- H_SYNC = 128 ; pixels
- H_BPORCH = 128 ; pixels
- H_SYNC_POL = 0 ; negative
- V_DISP = 600 ; lines
- V_FPORCH = 2 ; lines
- V_SYNC = 4 ; lines
- V_BPORCH = 14 ; lines
- V_SYNC_POL = 0 ; negative
- INTERLACE_ENABLE = 0 ; non-interlaced
- [*800X600X74Hz(3FG)] ; Hf=48kHz
- PIXEL_CLK = 48000 ; kilo pixels/sec
- H_DISP = 800 ; pixels
- H_FPORCH = 48 ; pixels
- H_SYNC = 50 ; pixels
- H_BPORCH = 82 ; pixels
- H_SYNC_POL = 0 ; negative
- V_DISP = 600 ; lines
- V_FPORCH = 3 ; lines
- V_SYNC = 4 ; lines
- V_BPORCH = 51 ; lines
- V_SYNC_POL = 0 ; negative
- INTERLACE_ENABLE = 0 ; non-interlaced
- [*1024X768X60Hz] ; Hf=48.4kHz
- PIXEL_CLK = 65000 ; kilo pixels/sec
- H_DISP = 1024 ; pixels
- H_FPORCH = 32 ; pixels
- H_SYNC = 128 ; pixels
- H_BPORCH = 160 ; pixels
- H_SYNC_POL = 0 ; negative
- V_DISP = 768 ; lines
- V_FPORCH = 3 ; lines
- V_SYNC = 6 ; lines
- V_BPORCH = 29 ; lines
- V_SYNC_POL = 0 ; negative
- INTERLACE_ENABLE = 0 ; non-interlaced
- [*1024X768X72Hz] ; Hf=58kHz
- PIXEL_CLK = 78000 ; kilo pixels/sec
- H_DISP = 1024 ; pixels
- H_FPORCH = 65 ; pixels
- H_SYNC = 128 ; pixels
- H_BPORCH = 127 ; pixels
- H_SYNC_POL = 0 ; negative
- V_DISP = 768 ; lines
- V_FPORCH = 3 ; lines
- V_SYNC = 6 ; lines
- V_BPORCH = 29 ; lines
- V_SYNC_POL = 0 ; negative
- INTERLACE_ENABLE = 0 ; non-interlaced
- [*1024X768_8514X43Hz] ;
- PIXEL_CLK = 44900 ; kilo pixels/sec
- H_DISP = 1024 ; pixels
- H_FPORCH = 8 ; pixels
- H_SYNC = 176 ; pixels
- H_BPORCH = 56 ; pixels
- H_SYNC_POL = 1 ; positive
- V_DISP = 384 ; lines
- V_FPORCH = 1 ; lines
- V_SYNC = 4 ; lines
- V_BPORCH = 21 ; lines
- V_SYNC_POL = 1 ; positive
- INTERLACE_ENABLE = 1 ; interlaced
- [*1024X768X43HzI] ;
- PIXEL_CLK = 46600 ; kilo pixels/sec
- H_DISP = 1024 ; pixels
- H_FPORCH = 64 ; pixels
- H_SYNC = 128 ; pixels
- H_BPORCH = 96 ; pixels
- H_SYNC_POL = 0 ; negative
- V_DISP = 384 ; lines
- V_FPORCH = 1 ; lines
- V_SYNC = 3 ; lines
- V_BPORCH = 16 ; lines
- V_SYNC_POL = 0 ; negative
- INTERLACE_ENABLE = 1 ; interlaced
- [*1152X882X60Hz] ; Hf=54.7kHz
- PIXEL_CLK = 80500 ; kilo pixels/sec
- H_DISP = 1152 ; pixels
- H_FPORCH = 32 ; pixels
- H_SYNC = 128 ; pixels
- H_BPORCH = 160 ; pixels
- H_SYNC_POL = 0 ; negative
- V_DISP = 882 ; lines
- V_FPORCH = 4 ; lines
- V_SYNC = 8 ; lines
- V_BPORCH = 16 ; lines
- V_SYNC_POL = 0 ; negative
- INTERLACE_ENABLE = 0 ; non-interlaced